Safety first, fun second

No matter the activity, safety has to come first. But this holds especially true when trying new adrenaline activities, maybe even extreme sports in nature. Every season, accidents happen – even in relatively safe activities and without taking unnecessary risks. Some activities and some places can be perfectly safe and enjoyable if undertaken correctly, but can turn into a disaster if you’re not careful. Think about safety if you visit the Soca River in Slovenia, which is known for fun adrenaline-filled activities, but also for many hidden dangers.
Bovec, the popular starting point for such activities, offers a wide variety of guided tours. While the most popular in Soca rafting, Bovec has a lot more to offer. But it’s worth focusing on the most popular activity first. For Soca rafting, Bovec has a very wide selection of options. Guided tours are traced down the calm and wide parts of the river, as well as down the rapids and other dynamic parts. That’s why for Soca rafting, Bovec offers experienced guides and all the equipment you will need. Don’t go about exploring the river yourself, there are many safe ways to do it in a good company.
Among the other activities on the Soca River, canyoning can seem a bit dangerous. It consists of high jumps, trekking down the gorges, swimming in the narrow streams, even climbing. While not directly on the Soca River, canyoning is mostly done on the tributaries that feed the river. They offer much better gorges and various unique experiences. These gorges can be very attractive to lone adventurers that wish to navigate them themselves, but here lies the danger. Soca River canyoning is safely and enjoyably done in the company of experienced guides, which can be found in Bovec and other towns by the river.